Win an 808 Pureview By Making Your App Belle Compatible
The Developers page of Nokia is once again running another pretty sweet giveaway (best one yet where the N950s to almost everyone.. except me); this time all you have to do is update one of your pre-existing Symbian QT Quick app to match t he BElle guidelines and you could win a 808 Pureview (3 to win)
In order to compete you need to have an application that uses Symbian Qt Quick Components and provide a wiki article that describes the key elements of your application design. The article should be detailed enough for us to assess the elegance of your design, and should ideally point us to a binary version we can test.
As soon as we can get hold of them from the factory, the winners will receive one of three new Nokia 808 PureView devices, featuring an unbelievable 41 megapixel camera and the new Symbian Belle UI. The winners will be among the first to get their hands on these truly amazing devices!