Nokia N95 Debranding Guide

Nokia N95 Debranding Guide

I have seen that a lot of people on various forums/blogs are in need of a guide showing how to debrand the Nokia N95.

Therefore I thought I would provide one. The information that I have collated to make this guide is found on various sites, these are referenced at the bottom of the post. Please also note that you run this procedure at your own risk; although I have performed this (3 times) with perfect results there is always the possibility when flashing your phone that you may damage it. If this happens you will require a Nokia service Centre to restore it.

The Guide:
1. Ensure that you have installed the Nokia PC Suite (on the CD supplied with the phone), make sure that your phone is connected via the USB cable and that it has been detected.

2. Download the following 2 pieces of software:
  • The Nokia Software Updater - Note, although at the time of writing the site does not list the N95, the updater does include the updated N95 firmwear. Therefore simply select the N93 instead, this will then allow you do download the updater.

3. Install Nemesis Service Suite. Open the program and then click the "Scan for new Device" icon in the top right of the screen. The screen should then be filled with information, click the "Phone Info" button at the top of the screen. Then click the "Read" button. Amongst other things this will show you the current product code of your phone. You now need to change this to a generic Nokia code. A standard code for the UK that you can use is 0534841, for a full list of codes see The Nokia Blog. Replace the current product code with this new code. Then check the enable box and click the "Write button". You have now changed your phones product code! You can double check this by clicking the read button again, this should show your new product code.

4. You may at this stage wish to back up you contacts/files to carry over to the unbranded phone, to do this use Backup utility within the Nokia PC Suite.

5. You now just have to install the new firmware update. Make sure that you phone is connected to you computer through the USB cable and then open the Nokia Software Updater that you previously downloaded. Follow the step by step instructions and install the new firmwear. Do not at any time disconnect the phone until it tells you that it is safe to do so. Note the phone will restart itself during the update process.

6. That's it, you phone has now been debranded! You can now restore your files/contacts by going back into the Backup utility, however I suggest that you do not restore settings to the phone as this puts back some annoying operator defaults such has changed menu layouts.

7. If you wish to update your phones firmwear in the future you simply need to use the Nokia Updater as usual as your phones product code will not need changing again.

I hope that this is useful, if you have any criticisms or suggestions please do leave suggestions and I will adjust the guide accordingly. In addition if anybody thinks that screen shots would be useful then let me know and I will upload them.


References: The Nokia Blog, Ring Nokia, GSM Forum, Official Nokia Support Forums.


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Andykn said...
Great explanation, wish I'd had it when I did mine first. One or two suggestions: 1/ Warn that, theoretically, this will invalidate your warranty. 2/ I'd disconnect the phone after using Nokia PC Suite and before installing Nemesis Service Suite. 3/Reboot after installing Nemesis Service Suite before connecting phone (although almost certainly not required) 4/ Connect the phone via USB and select 'PC Suite' on the phone. 5/ Wait for PC Suite on the PC to recognise the phone before running NSS
Drew Ormrod said...
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Anonymous said...
Nice one - this is by far the simplist guide I have seen. I would suggest rebooting the pc before starting up the NSU.
Anonymous said...
Any idea what the generic codes are for the N70? I am particularly interested in Euro1 and Balkans (languages I need: English, German, Greek). Thanks!
Anonymous said...
It worked a treat on my Voda pay monthly N95 - thank you for such clear instructions!
ian said...
changed the code ok but got a driver problem {cable} updater cant find phone, any ideas, bit of a newby here
Anonymous said...
Can anyone say if this has worked on a Orange branded N95?
Rich Edwards said...
Hi, To answer a couple of points: Yes this should work on any operator branded phone (and yes I have certainly carried it out on an Orange N95). Ian, that sounds rather odd as by the sounds of it the driver was working when you changed the code. Maybe try reinstalling the Nokia PC Suite and therefore the driver. Alternatively there are a few good forums about that you could ask on. In addition I will update the guide with the suggested points when I have a moment.
ian said...
thanks for the advice bit uneasy doing this but need the phone on voip as i work in norway cheers
ian said...
oh yes happy man thanks
Anonymous said...
Just a warning from a noob, I backed up my contacts etc from vodafone firmware using PC suite. Rebranded phone using Euro1 firmware and tried to restore backup - phone wouldn't even boot had to use hard reset 3 * and green to wipe again
Anonymous said...
Tried this (before the article) works like a treat! I was a little nervious but it does it exactly what it says in on the tin! I was a little disappointed with the phone until the firmware upgrade - much more stable and or course more functionality - however I am sure that things can go wrong!
zackrspv said...
This is a great guide, detailed. However, some inclusions. 1. Install the Flashing program as a Virtual USB 2. Click on 'Enable' checkbox in order to be able to change the code. 3. After clicking 'Write' Click on read again to verify, and then remove the 'enable' checkbox. 4. Close the Flasher Program. 5. Do whatever backups you want to do. 6. Launch the PC Suite (Update tool) and update as normal. With the flasher application open, the update suite will NOT notice the phone :)
Anonymous said...
Works well. You can also just dis and reconnect for phone to be recognized. And, note old number, if you need to return! Then change back, install software, and you´re fine.
Phil "dm" Campbell said...
I gave it a go. Worked perfectly. Camera does seem faster. Video too. Yet to try gps but will re-post and let you know -
Anonymous said...
hi.i just wonder i had alredy uppdate my n95,but now i want,change the code after uppdate .it is possible????? thankz
Anonymous said...
I have just updated an Orange-branded N95. Works a treat. I used the Nokia suit to back up and I have left the phone set to the unbranded product code and the Nokia suit "back" facility restored the data perfectly. I am absolutely delighted! The phone is no longer crashing, no longer has the hacked down, buggy Orange firmware and is very much faster and more responsive. It is ... actually ... now usable!
Anonymous said...
Good guide but ..... I cannot seem to get NSS to recognise the phone. Does NSS work under Vista? ... have tried compatibility modes but no luck. Any help would be appreciated.
Anonymous said...
Hi, Great explanation. All went fine on my Orange N95 but now I do not appear to have line 2 available? What do I need to do to re-enable it. (When I had my N70 debranded the option for extra line was still there but worked differently to a branded orange phone but here it is not even available?) Thanks in advance.
Anonymous said...
Worked perfectly for me. Moved from T-Mobile to Euro Generic f/w. Lovely! Remember to choose the Virtual USB selection under Hardware selcetion in NSS.
Anonymous said...
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! Big Thanks for posting such an easy to follow guide for a simpleton as myself :) Worked so easily for my Orange branded N95
Anonymous said...
Worked fine with my Voda Plum N95. Good information. Only one problem, I didn't keep a record of the original Voda code - any one know it just in case.
Anonymous said...
Hi. I ‘ve debranded my phone with new language pack. I’ve also upgraded the firmware. Everything is working fine, except the camera. The photos which I previously taken appear quite dark on the gallery. When I take a photo, the photo also looks dark on the screen but as long as I press OPtion, you can see it lighten up. If I transfer the image to PC, the image also looks brighter. Has anyone had similar problem? Does anyone know how to fix it?
Anonymous said...
Superb guide .... updated contract Vodaphone N95 with no problems other than not getting NSS to work on Vista ... resorted to Windows XP. Phone seems to have gained a few functions (Internet phone etc). Also appears faster and smoother. Camera now much better. Just goes to show how much Voda crippled an excellent phone. Once again, thanks for the guide.
Anonymous said...
I did exactly according to instructions. The installation went OK, the phone started and I received one text message and two phone calls in a matter of minutes after I restarted. Then the desktop vanished and when I restarted the phone I got this message when the hands were shown: "Phone start-up failed. Contact the retailer". This is a nightmare result. What can I do. Helpless
Anonymous said...
Problem solved. I found instructions how to hardreset the device (green button + 3 + * while pressing the start button) and I got it running. I found out that the backup I had taken could not be restored. Some of the settings were in conflict with the new version. Anyway, it works well now and I enjoy also more appropriate language pack. No any more Helpless
Terry said...
aw man...i did the debrand, works a treat except... T9/predictive texting seems to have disappeared. I only have the options of abc/ABC/123. Or am i just a silly noobie whose missing something really easy? Any help would me much appreciated, ive installed the latest firmware etc. Thanks in advance! (great walk through guide btw!)
Terry said...
Ok...mustve just been me... but when i reflashed/reinstalled the firmware its now back to normal. I dunno if it was something to do with installing Frings cos thats when i first noticed i couldnt get predictive text anymore. Weird. Anyway, false alarm, cyas! ps: this phone is wicked.
Niklas Gisselman said...
Great guide! Now mine is debranded without any problems at all! Felt saft all the way through the process! Thou this time I'll install all my games and programs to memorycard... Thanks a lot!!
Anonymous said...
Hi Rich, thanks a lot, worked fine for me. Now i can choose dutch as t9 language instead fo arabic....
Anonymous said...
Ta for the denobbling guide :) Is it possible for the carrier (eg voda or orange in the UK, that originally disabled the internet tel and general sip functionality) to remotely detect said denobbling? If they could detect then the possibility of sim or even handset deactivation arises. Sure this would be about the most anti-customer/shoot-yourself-in-the-foot action that any mobile phone company might contemplate but the fact that they nobbled the N95 in the first place does rather suggest they are running scared. Another question - is it possible to directly stream video from eg N95 via wifi, so that storage of the resultant video is done remotely onto a server at the other end of the wifi link?
Anonymous said...
Hi. I can't change my product code on my N95- when I hit 'read' again it defaults back to the original one. What gives?
Anonymous said...
Hi - excellent guide! Thanks - I rebranded a N95 on Orange in the UK, and successfully updated the software. No problems - all works!
Anonymous said...
...of course I meant 'debranding' not 'rebranding'!
Anonymous said...
If I debrand an Orange N95 then will the new sms icon and voice mail message icons still show when there is a new message or new voicemail etc? In previous Nokia non Orange phones these icons do not work on the Orange network. Can anyone tell me if this is still the case? Cheers Steve
Anonymous said...
In answer to previous question, my debranded Orange N95 shows all the icons...
Imran said...
Thanks-This is a great guide. I myself debranded my N95 (Vodafone) to a generic one using the same steps. A word of caution: After the updates please avoid restoring your mobile using the back up taken before debranding as then N95 might not work properly. I did that and paid the price as after restoring from my old back up (that must have contained operator specific settings) the mobile failed to start up –giving the error “Start up failed. Contact the retailer”. Then I had to hard reset it to get it going again. After updating it just synchronize it with your PC so as to get all the contacts (perhaps the most imp thing) back and if you have some applications please do take care to install them on the memory card instead of the mobile memory. Then after doing the synchronization manually make all the setting changes. This I am suggesting to be on the safer side as it better to take a little precaution than just being lazy (by restoring from an earlier operator time back up) and getting it all messed up. Hope this helps in further clearing up the issues.
Anonymous said...
Wow, what a great blog, I now have an N95 that I can use (as it was intended) after being vodafu#*ed! If you need to put the branding back onto Vodaphone the code is 0547869. Thanks Richard, and to all those who added those little bits on that made it easier!
karthik said...
hey rich, i am from india.i bought n95 from uk and i do not have the sim with me as of now...the software updater discontinued the process of updating coz it doesnt have a sim me with this bro! how to debrand my phone?
karthik said...
ppl help me !
ih1001 said...
Karthik, I don’t know whether any damage has been done to your mobile or not, but Software updater does not proceeds with the update if mobile does not have the sim inside. So in all probability Nokia Software Updater (NSU) would have aborted the process the moment it came to know there is no sim. You should have read the instructions carefully- they explicitly mention that your” mobile should be fully charged and have sim”. Anyhow, inset the sim now and check whether your cell is working properly and if it is then I suppose there is no harm done and you can continue with the updates (with sim- this time).
karthik said...
hey thanks buddy...i am retrieving a sim from uk right now...if it is updated with sim in it does it really get unlocked(sim-free)
ih1001 said...
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ih1001 said...
Hi Karthick, I think you are getting confused between “Debranding/Flashing” and “Unlocking”. Debranding has got no bearing on unlocking. By debranding one just removes the operator specific firmware with the generic one. Unlocking makes your cell work with other service providers also. Pl. bear in mind “debranding” will not “unlock” your mobile. You are at present based in India and you have got your mobile from UK, now if it is an unlocked one it will work with any Indian sim, so you don’t have to wait for the UK one. What you can do is you can try it with any Indian sim card and find out whether it is working or not.
jason said...
Hi Thanks for the great blog, i successfully and very easily updated my Orange N95. Orange now have conceded that i was effectively mis-sold (re the crippled VoIP) and therefore under consumer credit laws i can have my cash back. So i put in the original Orange 0548170 product code and attempted to reflash, and the Nokia Software Updater says there's no software updates available (current: 11.0.26). Is there something else i need to do roll back to the old branded firmware?! Strange request i know !!! Cheers Ja ;-)
Anonymous said...
anyone from australia that has the n95 from three done this and succeded? please let me know, i just got my phone the other day and i hate three branded phones. thx.
Anonymous said...
Hi Rich, I have successfully Debrand my phone from orange but i want to unlock the phone, is there any way to do it, rather than contacting Orange for it. Please help me out. i want to unlock my phone. THKS
Anonymous said...
I keep hitting a problem when the Nokia Software Updater gets around to re-booting the phone. I get the message from Windows XP, 'One of the USB devices connected to this computer has malfunctioned and Windows does not recognize it'. In the end I cancel out when prompted and then re-boot the phone. It still has the old software version but at least it works ! Has anyone else had this issue or know how to solve it ? Cheers, Richard ps Thanks for the instructions and comments, i have been wanting to sort out my N95 since I got it.
Anonymous said...
Hi. Just wanted to say, I did this from Parallels 3 running a fresh install of XP+SP2, on my new MacBook Pro and it works, following these instructions. However, the Nokia software/website now recognises the N95 not just the N93. Firmware went from to 11.something. The only quirk was that the first time I ran the updater, it said no new firmware was available. So I ran it again, and it updated the phone. Bye bye Vodafone UK, hello VOIP in New Zealand. Reflashed and unlocked! (Using code supplied by Vodafone). I set the phone to the EURO1 product code as well. Hopefully this firmware will stop the random reboots I get once in a while.
Markkyboy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Markkyboy said...
Hi Rich Outstanding guide m8, i followed the same pricinciples for my N73 and with success! I've read every reply in your blog about N95 and seen some mention of putting the correct operator branding back on to the phone,i put my original product number back into NSS and performed the "write" function, all seemed ok, but Nokia updater had a fit and reported no new updates....has anyone had success in doing this and returning phone to its out of the box status? Regards Markkyboy WooHoo - My 1st blog! :)
Ben said...
Another thanks for this! Gone is the ugly Orange branding ...
Wayne said...
Hi - i just got my 02 phone and still NO update available, if i change my product code and then install latest firmware, when that has all been done, is is SAFE to do a full reset using *#7370# or whatever it is? i thought i heard somewhere that IF you change the product code, its NOT safe to do this? let me know guys Many thanks
Anonymous said...
Nice simple guide and only takes about 20 mins BUT now I cannot see any of my contacts!!?? When I look through PC Suite they are all sitting there, but on the phone cannot see..... Any ideas?
Anonymous said...
Panic over as above!! Simply opened a contact in PC Suite, saved it and they all updated in front of my eyes, i'm so happy i got rid of all that Orange cr@p!!!
Anonymous said...
a big big thank you!!I was very suprised how easy it was. i have an orange branded phone and now i changed to the uk code at the top of the guide. updated firmware perfeclty easy with no problems. only thing i forgot to do was note down my original orange product code. do i needit and is there anyway of getting it if i do? thanks again you have made my day
Donkey33 said...
My carrier has disable the GSM only option. If I debranded the phone, would this allow me to enable that option?
Anonymous said...
Nemesis does work in Vista if you change to classic theme! just flashing mine now
Anonymous said...
hi ive already updated my firmware but id like to debrand...any suggestions?
Andrew said...
My question is by de-branding my N95 will it accept Sim Cards of other operators when I am travelling out of the country ? I have an Orange N95 and am stationed in India for a few months and the phone wont even accept a local sim card. It just does not boot up. Any ideas....?
Gaz said...
for the anonymous guy looking for an orange uk code, mine was 0548170. just updated now. i used sync instead of backup, and copied my pictures and stuff manually
Gaz said...
oh and to the other anonymous random person asking if they can debrand after updating, you'll have to wait for v12 of the firmware (which boasts much faster gps via agps), hopefully we wont have to wait long. to andrew, no you'll have to get it unlocked, which means paying your operator to the end of your contract term, plus a fee. afaik nobody has cracked the algorithms for n95 unlock codes.
Andrew said...
Thanks Gaz but why wont it accept Sim Cards of other operators ? Is the IMEI blocked on networks across the world ? If whatever it is on the phone that prevents me from using other operator sim cards then surely this will get removed/over written if I update the phone with the generic firmware from Nokia....right ?
Anonymous said...
hi, if i debrand my 1 day old vodafone n95 as detailed above, will i lose the pre-installed games etc? i also have popped a4gb sandisk memory card in the phone (yes it does work), will this need to be taken out whilst i follow the above details or is it ok to leave it in? i think i just need a little reassurance before i start the process. any advice would be greatly appreicated.
Anonymous said...
also (1 day old n95 user here), my n95 is version V.11.0.026. i don't know if this is important information to my original question.
Anonymous said...
Tom from Belfast here. I have debranded my n95 with orange firmware and all seems fine. Have a problem with my wireless network that I hope someone can sort out for me. I can connect to my wireless lan and surf the web no problems but I cant seem to get my phone to show up on my pc. I cant show things in the gallery through the netnwork pcs. It just keeps disconnecting every time. Any input would be welcome. Thanks
Anonymous said...
I debranded my Orange N95, all went well apart from I lost my navigation licence. I did take a backup before hand, anyone know how to find out if it's in there? Cheers
Anonymous said...
re the loss of navigation licence, I have yet to debrand my N95 but have reflashed it a couple of times before reading this blog. To retreive your licence your licence just folow the steps used to purchase it in the first place, if you get to the screen that has the credit card logo's on then exit out and start again, usually the second atempt will give you a message similar to 'you already have a licence for this area' Hope this helps. I have a question about debranding - Do all the internet, WAP and messaging settings dissapear? If so will I get them back when I restore from my memory card backup or will this cause an issue with the N95 now debranded but with vodafone settings?
Anonymous said...
Rich (OP) - Thanks very much! T-mobile seem to FUBAR their flavour of the software with 'Web n Walk' which screws up the WLAN settings so Im very happy to have got free from their grasp and its thanks to you! Top man! - Steve
Anonymous said...
Hi Rich, Hi all! First of all, I have to say thanks to Rich who has created the easiest guide to debranding I could find. It's a bit of a nerve wracking thing to do for the first time but it is well worth doing just to get things that networks (like Orange in my case)_ either remove or screw up - for example I now have VoIP - orange missold me on this so now i've won! HOWEVER - one of the reasons I wanted to debrand my 95 was to install the latest version of the firmware which in turn was to try to stop my phone crashing or locking which it seems to do with incredible regularity. Having now confirmed through a fair amount of use that I have, what I would describe as, a successful install and having not found any part of any application that are either missing or faulty, my problem remains - my phone is still crashing. this morning, I went to read a new text and it locked - queue restart. then i hooked up to my wifi connection to get e-mail and it locked - queue restart. now, whilst writing this has just restarted itselfwhich s now indicating that my suspected successful install is infact bugged.....I'll try a reinstall hang on...... 37 mins later - I have now reinstalled the firmware twice and I'm not getting anywhere - can anyone help me please??????????? It's driving me crazy because I'm certain that deep down, this is a good phone but it's very close to being sent back!!! anyone????????????
Anonymous said...
I posted above with regards to retreiving map licences, After posting I decided to debrand my N95 following this proceedure and it was really easy. It did however take me several hours to get all settings and everything back as I would expect it. But then I have been using a Sony Ericsson for the past few years so my Nokia navigation skills are a little rusty. My only tip is to do this rebranding sooner rather than later and use sync to fill up your contacts rather than backup otherwise I found unwanted network stuff is brought back on to the phone. Now all I have to do is wait for the 12.x.x firmware to be released which I hope will stop the phone crashing about once a day! Anyone know what the battery life is like with the new beta 12.x.x code?
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know and/or tryed a phone from vodafone NZ to see if this works??? really want VOIP feature. or should this work anywhere on any phone???
Genius said...
Superman! Hip, hip. Hooray, This is the easiest, useful blog. Can anybody please help with the O2 branding CODE? Just debranded from Vodafone. Xxxx
Anonymous said...
I tried it on my N95 on Orange but it didn't unlock it for other networks?, the instructions were followed correctly, the update was successful but it still works on Orange only. Please advise?
Anonymous said...
exellent instructions, just done my n95 after loads of messing, trying to find a shop to do it!!! cheers for that. works 100%!
Anonymous said...
To the person two posts above this one asking about their problem with Orange.... There is a difference between debranding and unlocking. Taking Oranges software off the phone WONT automatically allow you to use another vendors sim in your handset, its something completely different. If you want a pointer in the right direction, try the mobile forum on Martin Lewis's site (moneysavingexpert) - there are lots of handy tips on there! - Steve
MM said...
Is there any way back to the branded software once you've debranded? I ask because the GPS on my phone is so utterly useless (even if I sit in a park for an hour) that I think it must be broken... as I've already debranded my N95 if I want to get Voda to replace ita (as I have their insurance) I don't want them screwing at me because they find out. Thanks!
Anonymous said...
well done mate, i have unblocked my n95 it costs me £50 (bit high) but the guy did not debrand it, i followed ur instruction, it works nicely, thank alot
Anonymous said...
hi there what does debranding do ? can you tell me if it make the phone simfree? many hanks naz
Anonymous said...
Hey all, Just to warn - downloaded the NSS software from the b-phreaks website fine,tried to unpack and a serious virus was found. Luckily my Anti-virus caught it in time but just a warning to others... Gutted too as my Orange branded N95 is still on Ver 10 o-O I now know the potential of the phone now we're on ver 12...
Anonymous said...
Hi there all, Is that correct then? Is v12.. now officially released? If so, I'm debranding tonight! Sick of orange's crap! N95JG
Anonymous said...
Just got rid of the Orange Junk and v12 is what was installed so that means it is offical. My AV (F-prot) stopped Nemesis installing also so I disabled the AV and all went OK then uninstalled Nemesis and ran the AV scan, everything was clean. Only got the phone at the weekend was disppointed really but looking good now!
Anonymous said...
Hey all, Contacted the makers of NSS and they suggested disabling my AV until the software was installed. Worked a treat and I now have Ver 12 on my 'now NOT sending back to Orange' phone! :o)) \o/ Cheers for a well written guide dude, if I see you in the pub I'll get a pint in for you...
Anonymous said...
this is by far the easyist way I have seen. So simple and it works perfectly. It speeded it up so much
Anonymous said...
N95 on Orange UK. Worked a treat. Thanks!!
Anonymous said...
Just upgraded by Nokia N95 on Orange UK to version 12 very easy to do - Thank You. One anoying thing is that in the messaging menu I still have Orange e-mail and Orange e-mail 01 I have to scroll past these to get to the Drafts and sent items!!!!
Anonymous said...
hi, can anybody tell me, I have debranded my phone and updated with v12, but it seems as though I have lost voip function, if I factory reset or hard reset will my phone still be debranded?, or will i have to rebrand and then factory or hard reset and debrand and reinstall v12?. Thanks for anybody help in advance
Anonymous said...
hi, thanx for a easy guide, just updated my uk orange nokia n95 from v10 to v12 firmware removing all the orange rubbish that lags the phone out. now running faster and smoother. everything working perfect, WELL HAPPY WITH N95 NOW, THANX AGAIN.
Anonymous said...
Great Success with N95 from 3 Mobile Australia. Almost unplugged it during process, as it takes a while. Lost my Snakes high-score as I had completed it :( Keeps phoned locked to 3 - anyone know how to get round that. ta
Anonymous said...
Have de-branded my N95 from Orange and updated firmware to v.12.0013 (the latest one) but have lost T9 preditive text ! Have tried re-flashing like previous post but to no avail ... Please Help !
Anonymous said...
I followed the initial link but I can't find the software. What am I doing wrong? /Swede
manish said...
I must say your blog is very intresting. Keep it up.
Anonymous said...
Thank´s to you, so easy you made super advise that also me could to install it! Thanks´s a lot!!! It works perfect! Now in German, Leute es ist wirklich kinderleicht! Es funktioniert! Tschüss den sperren!
Anonymous said...
Thanks alot you are a star, done mine and my brothers phone, I've found that updating the software actually makes the battery last alot longer as well, can get over 2 days now where as before was getting a little more over 12 hours.
Anonymous said...
I am an IDIOT..Switch off your firewall before updating the phone software or you get an Internal Communications Error. It took me several reboots etc before I had my Homer 'Doh' moment and realised what was wrong. I thought Orange had sneaked in some extra protection :p Anyway, my Orange 95 was debranded and upgraded using the clear basic instructions...but perhaps with idiots like me around a comment about firewalls?
Chapowski said...
Hi, and thanks for this blog, I'm getting an Orange UK N95 on Sunday and all this will be very useful. One thing is, will debranding the phone mean you will still be able to use WAP and MMS on Orange? I'm guessing a rebrand will wipe all these settings from the phone, so where can you get them from afterwards? Thanks a lot
James said...
to the idiot above that is trying to make out that there is a virus in this file from bfreaks, fuck off and die titwank, THERE IS NO VIRUS YOU ORANGE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH GOAT KISSING ASSWIPE
Anonymous said...
Absolutely brilliant. Been wanting to do this for months,videos on you tube were vague, other 'guides' were scetchy at best.Contacted Voda for my unlock code,it had already been generated so got it for free :-).Followed this brilliant guide and now have an N95 the way Nokia intended it,Unlocked,Unbranded and upto date.Thanks!
Fredrik said...
Hello I have debranded my n95 operetor "Telia" Everything works fine but i cant uppdate the frimeware after testing the to scandinavian kods. i get an error messeage every time. "Uppgrade fail" internal modul error
mcrbloke said...
hi all, very interesting all this. after watching the Truphone ditty on you tube comparing branded and unbranded phones, it makes me think it might be better to buy an unbranded N95 and then get a cash back contract on some cheap fone and just use the sim in the N95. my question is, will i then be able to use truphone, skype, etc. the the 'web n walk' type of package any help greatly appreciated (if not spelt correctly ;-) JOHN
Simon said...
Thank you very much! :) Works perfect.
Anonymous said...
thanks for this information mate! I'd looked around a load of sites but this one made it all very clear. top job.
Shoaib said...
Hi I've been through the steps and upgraded the version on my orange N95 successfully. I have two questions I had subscribed to Voice Navigation on the phone, but now that's gone, does anyone know how to get it back?? Also there's a feature called PTT, don't know if it was there before but I didnt notice it, do you know what it is??
Anonymous said...
Hi I have a Vodafone N95 currently running ver 11.26. I have changed the product code and re-booted the phone but am unable to update the firmware as it says no update available however when I do the "check for update" it says that I can update to ver 12. Can anyone help me out as I really want the voda poo off my phone. Jim
Anonymous said...
Yay, thanks for this now Vodadrone is gone hooray!!, Dead easy to do, took 20mins, with no probs!!
Anonymous said...
Yay, Vodayoda is no more took 20mins, no issues, and now ive a nice shiny phone, unbranded, and really fast.......I love you (in a non gay way)
Anonymous said...
Debranded my phone from T Mobile UK. Haven't had a chance to test my 'new' phone yet. Everything went smoothly... I used the backup facility in PC Suite and everything has been fully restored again, including a couple of applications installed to the phone memory. The only problem I had was with Fring, which keeps coming up as corrupt when I install and run it. Another thing I've noticed is that approximately 18mb of RAM has disappeared. Has anyone else noticed this or have an explanation? I'm pleased to see that I now have PTT capabilities, I just need to wait for T Mobile to provide the service! Am I correct in thinking that so far only Orange UK offer this service? For reference, my original T Mobile product code was 0546659.
Michael Kearney said...
Thank works perfect just debranded my n95 off voda orignly had a sim free one but lost when claimed back on the insurrance F****rs sent me voda fone branded but all ok now thanks mate
Aloha NZ said...
To Rich: firmwear = firmware To shoaib: PTT = Push To Talk (use your cellphone as a walkie talkie) To all: great guide! God bless the author! :)
Kingsley said...
I try to update my phone with NSS on and NSU on. But while updating and searching for device, my usb keeps disconnecting. Anyone know how to fix it? Please Richard what do I do next having done every other thing
darksoul said...
I followed the instructions below and my phone is now broke. It did rebrand it but now there is a big white line at the top of the screen where the menu should be. Any ideas on how to get this back?
Anonymous said...
Ive got the same prblem as Jim im using a N95 on UK vodafone. Ive changed the product code via NSS but am unable to do a software update as it says there are none available can anyone help?
Anonymous said...
Be aware to use the right product code, Not for all product code there is an updute already. Check another code to see yre update is avaiable?
Anonymous said...
Push two times # quickly, it will start yre T9 functionallity!
Anonymous said...
The firmware works OK. Try to install yre ypdate again? Use the changed product code to do this, not yre original!
Kaycee1515 said...
All done & now de-branded from Orange, phone runs better than before as well! Now then, where's that VOIP software i downloaded!
Frank said...
Great. Works like a charm, do it straight away when you get your phone, saves you hassle to restore lost data.
Anonymous said...
hi i have just brouhgt a n95 from ebay and paid like 250quid for it to only find that its BLOCKED and wont work and the ebayer is a fraudster what can i do in this country to fix this problem ?? am going away to africa soon can i fix it better there cos i know some stuff is ilegal here thanks
Donald said...
Hi All Debranded my phone from Vodafone to EURO1 with little problem - except trying to use PC Suite to restore a backup (warned against in this blog) caused the failure to start error! My heart sank! Followed the reset phone procedure which did not appear to work - a word to the wise hold the three keys down for a LONG time to reset. All ok now and used SYNC to restore data. One problem - when using MAPS -> START NAVIGATION, I keep getting a disclaimer message which I choose to hide only to find it back the next time! Also a note to purchase the software but selecting OK bypasses this and I am in to navigation after these extra unwanted keystrokes. How do I get rid of this?
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Matt said...
Many thanks for sharing this info, your clear instructions worked a treat on my Vodafone branded N95 now I just need to replace the front cover. Thanks again
MarkT said...
The guide works perfectly but... I can't access t-mobile 3G services :-( Tried two different product codes, both worked but although the option of both UMTS and dual mode were available the phone can't located a 3G signal (even though it could before and my N70 still can when placed next to it!) Anyone got any suggestions for a fix as without 3g I'd be better off with version 11!
Anonymous said...
Hello, Great Guide.. Much appreciated. However I'm having trouble downloading the NSS software.. anyone suggest a new link to teh software or e-mail me a copy. Thanks again
Anonymous said...
Good stuff! Even not being a very fluent in all this rebranding/flashing etc stuff,I've managed to remove orange software within few minutes after following the steps you left on here. Everything's just fine, menu looks by far better and yes, battery seems to last longer than before. One thing though, I still have no acces to internet calls, no icons or anything that could allow me to make calls VOIP. Is there anything I can do about it? Big ups and many thanks, Artur
Major Malfunction said...
VMWare users tip: If you are using Linux and running Nokia Updater in Windows under VMWare, you will hit a problem at step 3 of the firmware update... You will get a "Recover Phone" dialog, suggesting you remove the battery and charger, reconnect it and then hit "Retry". The phone will be sitting there with a dark screen with only the word "Nokia" on the display. If you do this, the phone will reboot and the process will repeat each time you hit "Retry". The fix is not to unplug the battery and charger. Instead, go to the VMWare menu 'VM/Removable Devices/USB Devices' and reconnect the phone which will have disconnected when the bootloader was uploaded. The phone will now be called 'Nokia Bootloader' or something similar, instead of 'Nokia N95'. Windows should 'detect' the new harware and say it's ready for use. Now hit 'Retry' and the update will proceed... After some activity from the software and the phone screen flashing and updating, the same will happen again only this time it will say "Test Mode" as well as "Nokia" on the screen, and the software will say "Connection to Phone Lost". Once again, go to the VM menu and reconnect what will now be a 'Nokia Series 60 Device' and hit Retry. The update will now proceed to completion. Oh, and thanks for the guide, BTW. Awesome. Enjoy, MM
Ernest Adams said...
UK Vodafone N95 here. Your instructions worked like a charm. I don't see much difference in the camera, frankly, but... it fixed the Wi-Fi! Vodafone's software would only work with WEP-secured Wi-Fi. Now that I've managed to debrand and update, it works with the WPA-2 secured Wi-Fi on my home network. Now I don't have to use my precious air time to download stuff as long as I'm in range of a network. Now all I need to do is get the Vodafone skin back, because frankly, I liked it better than the default. I restored everything except for the settings, because I was afraid they would bring back some undesirable Vodafone junk. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this enormously valuable advice.
Ron said...
Help! I am following the directions of downloading NSS software to flash my N95 and running into driver problems. After having a PC connection, I notice it drops when I launch the Software Updater. I also get a Microsoft error message indicating an unknown driver. Can you help?
Ron said...
Help! I'm following the directions for flashing my N95 and running into driver problems. After establishing a PC connection with the N95, I notice this drops during the Software Updater. I notice a Microsoft error message regarding Unknown Driver. I also selected Virtual USB when install ing NSS. What am I doing wrong?
Anonymous said...
I was able to upgrade the firmware to N95 (Orange, and unlocked by them). Does that mean the phone is already debranded? It still has orange logo and ORange connection settings. I can't remove Orange connections. I am an US AT^T/Cingular customer.
specmurt said...
Australian Three Nokia N95 successfully debranded with a country code of 0534835 on Macbook Pro under VMWare Fusion. Thanks Major for the tip!
Ulrik Poulsen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ulrik Poulsen said...
I just debranded my UK Orange N95 with help from your guide and some of the useful comments by other users. It worked an absolute treat. VoIP with TruPhone installed is just a dream. Take that and smoke it Orange!!! Thanks so much for the guide... :)
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Ernest Adams said...
A quick additional note re: themes. After debranding my Vodafone N95, the Vodafone theme was gone from the phone and I was unable to a find a copy of it anywhere on the web. I've decided to be content with one of the built-in themes (none of the zillions on the net really appeal to me, and besides, most only change the background image, not the icons). So be aware that if you debrand your Vodafone phone, you WILL lose the theme and so far as I can tell, you WILL NEVER get it back unless some smart person figures out how to duplicate it and posts it online.
dark said...
i just got my n95 and i tried it out... IT worked wonderful... im thinking of trying to change the language pack just for the fun of it... p.s.s. i didnt even reset my p.c.. or any thing!
Karlos The Daddy! said...
Hi Rich, Got an orange branded n95, unlocked, but keeps crashin, and has an annoying orange startup screen so cant wait try this out! Will let ya know how i get on! Btw how good is it surfin on ya wireless network not gettin hammered by massive download fees off ya service provider! Thanks to nokia for an ace wi-fi moby! Shame bout batt life though :-(
Funkydan said...
Ive Installed The NSS Software, But Im Unable to Flash, I Can Search for the phone and it finds it, I can Change the Product, etc, but on the main Screen i have the following log, Checking Framework…Done. ->..pdginterfc.dll version: 1.0.479 ->….pdg4fbus.dll version: 1.0.1641 ->….pdg4mbus.dll version: 1.0.106 ->…..pdg4fls.dll version: 1.0.1164 ->….pdg4flsc.dll version: ->pdgphonebook.dll version: 1.0.189 ->.bb5usbflash.dll version: Reading Virtual USB device…Done. ->Serial: 33BACEF2, HW: 0.0 Testing Interfaces… ->USB DKU2….Supported. ->USB CA-53…Supported. Testing Directories… ->DCT4 Loaders Dir(’Flash’)……Found. –>0 file(s) found. –>Please copy the loaders first! ->ADSP Loaders Dir(’FlashUsb’)…Found. –>0 file(s) found. –>Please copy the loaders first! ->DCT3 Loaders Dir(’fls1sup’)….Found. –>0 file(s) found. –>Please copy the loaders first! ->Products Dir(’products’)…….Not Found. Open Diamond…Error! all i want to do is remove the locked sim security as want to put an orange sim in phone but the phone is a Vodafone
Jos said...
Does debranding the Nokia N95 remove the SIMlock aswell? Is it possible to remove the softwarelock from Nokia? Is it after debranding the N95 possible to brand the device again (reset the productcode to the original productcode and after that perform a hard reset in order to reinstall the branded software from e.g. Vodafone)?. If this can be done it would mean that you will not lose your warranty.
Funkydan said...
Joe, De-branding the N95 Does not remove the Simlocks as i discovered today, I de-branded a Vodafone, and used a Generic Product code, wrote it to the phone, then performed a nokia Update, which found the lasted update version to be 12 something. when i did the firmware it de-branded it, in theory you could change the product code back, to a vodafone but you proberly wont be able to do a Vodafone Software update, cause you'll have the latest firmware all ready, so unless vodafone have a newer firmware update then the current one on your fone, you stuck, if you find away of unlocking the sim let us know.
Jos said...
Hi Funkydan, Thank you very much for your reply, it makes a lot of sense to me! :-)I have one last question though: do I have to make all the settings for SMS, MMS, Internet and e-mail again after debranding my Vodafone device? I guess that after debranding I will have a generic Nokia equipped device that has no settings yet at all?
Funkydan said...
Joe, Thats Correct, the phone is totally blank from the operators preloaded rubbish, like start up screens and shut downs, that all so means it takes out all the preloaded SMS Setting and MMS etc, but you can go back to the operator Website or Nokia Website and resend them. Be careful though the Firmware update does wipe your Phones Memory, But doesn't seem to touch the Memory card, Back to your last question if you manage to find a way of rolling back the firm version, you could do a vodafone update, but do you really want a Branded Phone? The Best N95 To De-brand anyway are ones on the O2 Network, They're Already Open to any Network, and also the don't print a Logo on the front like Vodafone or T-mobie do
Sander said...
Hi, I have a question. I bought in England an Orange-branded phone which is simlockfree now, but was previously simlocked. Somebody told me that it is possible that when I would update the firmware, that the simlock could return as it was a standard. Is that true? Does a simlock return after debranding a previous simlocked phone? Kind regards,
Funkidan said...
Sander, Tough One, Really, Do you really need to do the firmware update, from my experience I'm still running on V11, and ain't got not problems. Your Best thing to do is download nemesis (NSS) and change the product code of you Phone to a generic one, and then do the update,then you'll have a de branded phone at that as well. Which your phone should be faster, as it don't have the preloaded rubbish installed
Sander said...
hi Dan, Well I had to do it as I wanted the Dutch language on it, moreover the orange-software isn't that good quality. Anyway I got from someone outside the forum the answer that it doesn't matter, the simlock does not return. I have installed v12 and it runs smooth. So I guess I am happy!
Major_Grooves said...
I tried to do a normal, regular Nokia software upgrade on my Orange N95 (i.e. without changing the product code as described above). It completely bricked my phone even though I simply followed the instructions. I'd like to do the above but am worried that if I can't even do a legit upgrade, then maybe this one will total my phone again - execept this time I will also have invalidated the warranty!
<a href="">Anonimous</a> said...
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
Anonymous said...
i have done this and it works great. slow's cam down alittle but other than that great. does anyone have the code for a branded vodafone i forget to write it down before i changed it.
Funkidan said...
It'll be on the Back of your phone under the battery
Anonymous said...
Firmware changed great - only thing I've noticed tho - I have a Nissan Quasqhi which has a bluetooth stereo - since the firmware change - the stereo connects bluetooth ok - but I get no signal - I know its not the car / stereo as it works with another phone.... any suggestions?
n95-bricker said...
i bricked my vodafone branded n95 last night. guess how??? i just did it with the standard nokia pc suite update system. didn't download and use nss. however, new phone getting shipped, so when it comes i will do it right this time. i can't believe i bricked an n95. of all the phones i could have bricked (and i've never done it before) i start my phone bricking career with an n95!!!!!!!!!
dwayne said...
i did this it worked ok but now my maps not workin well. they dont position to right place any 1 help me thanks.
n95 bricker said...
well you may notice my post above. i bricked an n95 cos i didn't follow these instructions. vodafone got a replacement out to me very quickly, and i immediately followed this procedure, and all went perfectly. thanks to the op.
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Dermot said...
Excellent! thanks for that man. Picking up my n95 on saturday, gonna debrand that bad boy! :D
Anonymous said...
Worked perfectly on UK Vodafone N95. Thanks!!
Anonymous said...
am in process of doing this and the nokia software updater has stated that the connection has ben lost and i need to remove the battery and reinstall it into the phone then retry did anyone else get this please can someone help gaz
Anonymous said...
Nick G Thanks much - picked up vodascrone one yesterday and flashed next day no problems. All seems to work great. Battery live much improved but still not great - but thats probably because i keep playing with it ! thanks
Craig said...
Hi, newbie to this. Had my phone unlocked but its branded to orange. I cant seem to download the nokia software updater because the link is wrong that you gave. Also, my GPS doesnt work, is that because im using an O2 sim in an Orange branded N95? Please help Craig
Anonymous said...
Many thanks for this one!! Perfect guide for debranding your phone..
Aqil said...
Hi, Could somebody please help. Numerous people have said how a 6234 can be updates with the 6233 generic product code, but I have entered several 6233 product codes into NSS, and NSU keeps displaying my phone as a 6234. Thanks.....
Arunan Manamohan said...
Thakns for the tip - i really needed to update my firmware. I was starting to loose faith in the N series
Andy W said...
I'll throw my kudos into the ring too. Very simple instructions, easy to follow and 100% successful. My N95 has been transformed from an epsilon semi-moron into an Alpha male - and for me the main thing is that I can surf the web via WLAN - which Vodafone crippled aling with VOIP.
Anonymous said...
You have saved my orange n95 from the bin. Since unbranding it's more stable and responsive. Instead of crashing 4 times a day, its only crashed once over the past few days. Also, I now have voip and PTT. Excellent, easy to follow advice. Thanks very much!!
Anonymous said...
Good stuff. You set my mind at ease with the explanantion. Completed without any problem. Thanks! Everything that I have tested so far seems much quicker - lost my Sports Tracker app. but soon added back on. Was a pain to reset all of the settings - I didn't want to risk reinstalling them because of the old firmware stored in the backup.. Will my old MMS settings have gone? If so what's the best way to restore them? Thanks ;)
Anonymous said...
works fine. just one comment it has been made before but i wanted to make sure everyone saw it, Nemesis needs to be installed as vertual USB or this will not work. Thank you everyone for great comments. debradned my voda and all now gr8.
Anonymous said...
Hi, I downloaded and followed all the steps to debrand my Nokia N95. When I click "scan for new device", I dont get anything. The phone does NOT show up as listed. The phone is connected to the computer via the cable, sim card is in, and the latoptp and the phone are fully charged. PC suite is also installed, the latest version. Why could this be happening? I dont have the memory card inserted in the phone, though. Could that be the problem? Thanks
Pedro said...
Fantastic. Simple, worked first time. I now have truphone on my vodafone N95. Thanks very much!
Anonymous said...
Worked perfectly on my N95 from Orange UK - many thanks for the great info.
Anonymous said...
USB not working I have downloaded NSS but it states that it has disabled the usb drivers and needs NSS USB drivers installing, I have no idea where to find these can anyone help, it seems that I cant even start the procedure I hope this isnt going to be the same all the way through it.
Anonymous said...
did as described,works a treat.only problem i have is,when i recieve a call or tex it doesn't reconise the numbers from my contact.the number appears with the 44 prefix,i dont use that when i add numbers to my phone.
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nokia n95 8gb said...
doesn't work for me :\ ...
Anonymous said...
doesn't work for my n95 8gb either :\ Mainly because the nokia software updated doesn't recognise the phone :\ :\ :\
Anonymous said...
I've tried this with 3 phones 2 orange and 1 t-mobile on 2 different pc's Frustratingly, the update seems to stop downloading at 79.8 mb every single time. #When I click try again, it resumes the download from 78mb, gets to 79.8 again then gives the same error "downloading update failed". Could the latest handsets have been messed with in another way in order to stop this hack ? Anyone else getting this ? Thanks in advance
Anonymous said...
nice guide. Just debollixed my n95 Plum from 3 network in australia. Everything working well, all 3 crap including the annoying planet3 connection that was "always on " is now gone. Phone boots up quicker and runs well. I already had the latest vesion of firmware and I just selected to reinstall it when prompted by nokia updater. Only one bug so far, the wireless scanning was turned on despite turning it off in settings, but a reboot of phone and it went away. Used product code of 0534835 (australia). The links in the guide are out of date but here are the currents ones Nemesis Nokia updater
Anonymous said...
Worked perfect on Orange UK N95. Good guide. Thanks
Anonymous said...
Works perfect on Orange UK N95 Took about an hour to do but works ok Thanks :-)
backudog said...
Ithink its worked, but how can i tell? also when i run the software updater..erm..wotsit it says i'm all up to date (version 11 or something) is that right ? is it the latest, i thought it was 12 or something? (sorry very new to this).
backudog said...
Im on orange in the uk.
backudog said...
Never mind, i figured it out ,am updating to 12.??? as i type this!
Anonymous said...
so pleased worked first time on vodafone N95, many thanks
NUTTER123 said...
What code would I use for my UK Nokia? I know the debranding and the nemesis software thingy but I'll be getting the phone on O2 tomorrow (with a 8GB memory card) and I will have to know the proper code so I can play.
DHIIPAK said...
Please help me. I downloaded the NSS fine and connected my Nokia 6288. It was recognized and I was able to write the new EURO-1 language code I desired. But then when I qwent to the Nokia software installer / firmware update the program says my phonee is NOT COMPATIBLE. This was the Spanish version--as I'm attempting to get the Spanish language on my phone (which came with the Scandanavian languages). QUESTION: After we write the new code in NSS, do we hit the FLASH button above to re-set / eliminate all the branding info ?? In the N95 article post all it says is to write the code and then move on to the second phase Nokia software installer update phase. So NSS is only used to write in a new code...or for "Flashing" the phone too ???
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said... Can anyone say if this has worked on a Orange branded N95? Yes I just did it using this guide with code 0551192 and it worked great. No I am free of all the orange crap and I can now use truphone.
DHIIPAK said...
++++++REQUEST FOR CODE++++++++++ Can someone please point me where to go to get the EURO-1 Language pack code for a NOKIA 6288 model that I can write to my phone with NSS ?? Thanks !!!!
Tricky Dicky said...
Any idea how to get the stock Nokia firmware on to an N95 that has what I guess is the latest firmware? I have... V 10.0.021 29-09-07 RM-320 Nokia N95 (60.01) ...and there is "no software update available for your phone."
Anonymous said...
Well having just got this on Orange was really scared of bricking it,i need not of worried your step by step guide was really invaluable worked a charm,and the latest firmware,just need to get Orange to unlock it now,but £20 is worth it.
Anonymous said...
Hi, after a few tries with networking (connection lost) errors the debranding of my N95 from Vodafone UK went fine. Great guide here although I kept my fingers crossed all the time ;-)
Craig_Stott said...
Help! N95 Home Page Icons Have Disappeared! Hello I’m having some real problems with my N95. I debranded and updated the firmware using the Nokia Software Updater as explained above which all seemed to work fine. I then went to reinstall all my settings from my memory card. This worked in that all my settings and messages etc returned, but the Home Page, (screen you first get when unlock phone with the clock and icons or down the side for calendar etc), now doesn’t appear. There is a blank bar across the top of the screen and just Messages and Contacts above the left and right buttons at bottom of screen. I tried resetting factory settings but this did nothing other than of course delete all my data. I can’t find any settings anywhere to sort it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Cheers Craig
whatdididobeforegps? said...
I'm having the same problem as Tricky Dicky. V10.0.021 29-09-07 RM-320 Nokia N95 (08.01) Ran the software, succesfully changed the Product Number to 0534841 which was recommended somewhere as a UK generic code. Clicked enable, and write. It's still there. However, I now run the Nokia software updater and it STILL says version 10.0.021 and that there's no new update available. anyone know where I can just download V12, bypassing Nokia's self-checking software? Thanks =)
Anonymous said...
thank you worked a treat on my vodafone n95.such easy instruction to follow. thanks again. someone in blog further up asked for the original vodafone code which is 0547869
Tricky Dicky said...
For N95 8GB owners with the latest firmware, basically we just have to wait until the next firmware release comes out from Nokia. Check out this thread: Seems like there is an alternative way to get the firmware on there using this "phoenix" method, but probably much safer to wait until new firmware comes along, which hopefully wont be too long.
Anonymous said...
it works great i have one on orange and three uk i changed my product code to my n95 that wasnt branded lol and it worked great id recoment it anytime
Crewmeal said...
I have an orange N95 on contract which is unlocked. I live and work in Jordan and use a local simcard. I followed the instructions and everything is perfect. Some points after reading this blog 1. It didn't lock back to orange after the debranding.It's completely free now 2. The GPS system is certainly faster - although no decent maps for Jordan yet. 3. Scrolling images is much faster. 4. Quality of movies via AV is clearer on my 37'' Samsung LCD Thanks everybody for help and guidance on this topic, no need to buy a debranded 8gb one for £350 here in Jordan now
DHIIPAK said...
Can someone please comment on why after I successfully write the new unlocked code to change my Nokia N73 to the Music edition in NSS, I ALWAYS have problems with the Nokia firmware update phase ? Specifically, after entering the new EURO-1 language code for the N73 Music edition on the Nokia.europe webpage firmware update checker it says there IS a new firmware version to update too. BUT, then when I have the software updater downloaded & installed on my says that there is no newer firmware to update to. ANY idea why when I have the N73 connected OK viaUSB to PC suite and then execute the software updater the Nokia webpage can NOT find the N73 ME firware update to begin installing ??? EVERYone else seems to be doing this HASSLE-free. Thanks ! DHIIPAK
DHIIPAK said...
Can someone please comment on why after I successfully write the new unlocked code to change my Nokia N73 to the Music edition in NSS, I ALWAYS have problems with the Nokia firmware update phase ? Specifically, after entering the new EURO-1 language code for the N73 Music edition on the Nokia.europe webpage firmware update checker it says there IS a new firmware version to update too. BUT, then when I have the software updater downloaded & installed on my says that there is no newer firmware to update to. ANY idea why when I have the N73 connected OK viaUSB to PC suite and then execute the software updater the Nokia webpage can NOT find the N73 ME firware update to begin installing ??? EVERYone else seems to be doing this HASSLE-free. Thanks ! DHIIPAK
Anonymous said...
Everything went fine on my vodafone n95, firmware v12 does seem better, battey life definitely improved, only drawback is photo slideshows is jerky and stutters which wasn't on v11 firmware, otherwise than that its better all round.
Anonymous said...
Everything went fine with a new E90 :) Now I'm able to use the newest firmware instead of the few months old provider's own version. Thank you very much for your great guide.

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