The Verge: Ziegler loving the Nokia Lumia 900, calls N9/800 the best phone design in history


The Verge: Ziegler loving the Nokia Lumia 900, calls N9/800 the best phone design in history.

| March 10, 2012 | Comments (22)

TheVerge’s Chris Ziegler posted something quite nice about the upcoming Nokia Lumia 900 yesterday. It’s no secret that he’s a fan of the device as we have seen in a few tweets and comments now and again at launch. It’s pretty cool of him to make a separate post on it though saying that the Nokia Lumia 900 will be his next (remember TheVerge used to be called “This is my next”?).
Anyway he’s really in love with the design, he thinks the software is beautiful, fast, simple, fluid and does enough that it can be his daily driver of a phone. App wise, it’s enough for him to make do. He feels that the N9/Lumia 800 is possibly the best design phone in history but that for him, the 4.3″ with front camera and LTE all encased in Cyan seems like a phone personally made for Chris.
I hope a lot more of the US population will have the same encounter with the Nokia Lumia 900 when it arrives in April.

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